An introduction to chi kung exercises

Chi kung exercises – Warming up

After balancing of chi, it is necessary to warm up, thereby opening up the internal pathways and stimulating the flow of energy around the body.

For this sequence of exercises, known as opening up the triple warmer, maintain soft breathing, and keep the balls of both feet in firm contact with the floor. You can allow the heels of your feet to come off the floor, or keep them grounded to the floor.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging loosely by your side and your knees soft. Keeping your breath soft, turn at your waist to the left. Keep your arms down, but let them swing in motion with the turning of your waist. Using the motion from your waist and the momentum, bring your arms up till the left arm is at shoulder level and the right arm at a comfortable height. Now, swing towards the right hand side. This sequence forms one set. Each in breath should span two sets. Each out breath should span two sets. Continue this exercise for one minute.

For the next part of the triple warmer, again, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees soft and arms loose. Raise your arms to shoulder height. From the waist, swing both your arms to the left, maintaining them both at shoulder level (and your right arm in a comfortable position) and look to the left. Next, swing your arms to the right. Breathe as in the above exercise. Continue this exercise for about one minute.

In the last part of the triple warmer, standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, swing to the left, but this time, bring your left arm to the back and allow the right arm to follow to a comfortable position. Turn your head to look towards the back. Swing round to the front and then to the right side. Breathe as in the previous two exercises. Repeat for approximately one minute.

For the next warm up exercise, stand with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms above  your head and grasp your right wrist with your left hand. Breathe in and bend forward so that your hands can nearly touch your ankles. This action will open up the governing vessel in your body. Breathe out as you become upright, raising your arms (still joined at the hands) above your head and stretch back. This action will open up the conception vessel in your body. Repeat three more times. The governing and conception vessels are two of the body’s primary meridians through which energy flows.

February 21, 2010 - Posted by | Exercises | , , , , , ,

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